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The Smallest Cow In The World

  • NT$ 175NT$ 131

The Smallest Cow In The World


未稅: NT$ 131

庫存狀態: 3

ISBN: 9780064441643

型號: GPID1381

回饋紅利點數: 1

簡介:Level 3 reading alone,多樣的故事內容,讀者可獨立閱讀並理解。
系列分類:An I Can Read Book Level 3
出版社:Harper Trophy
尺寸:14 * 21.5 公分(cm)
Shipping Weight:130G

Moving is not easy.

Rosie is the meanest cow in the world -- and Marvin's best friend. When his family moves to a new farm, Marvin is sad and lonely . . . until he finds Rosie again. But now she's making a lot of trouble for everyone. Will she and Marvin ever adjust to the changes of a new life in a new place?