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Who Was Harriet Beecher Stowe?

  • NT$ 210NT$ 157

Who Was Harriet Beecher Stowe?


未稅: NT$ 157

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9780448483016

型號: GPID18349

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Who Was 系列
出版社:Grosser & Dunlap
尺寸:13.6 * 19.5 公分 (cm)
規格:平裝 (paperback)
頁數:112頁 (pages)

Born in Connecticut in 1811, Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist, author, and playwright. Slavery was a major industry in the American South, and Stowe worked with the Underground Railroad to help escaped slaves head north towards freedom. The publication of her book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a scathing anti-slavery novel, fanned the flames that started the Civil War. The book’s emotional portrayal of the impact of slavery captured the nation’s attention. A best-seller in its time, Uncle Tom’s Cabin sealed Harriet Beecher Stowe’s reputations as one of the most influential anti-slavery voices in US history.