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Who Was Robert E. Lee?

  • NT$ 210NT$ 157

Who Was Robert E. Lee?


未稅: NT$ 157

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9780448479095

型號: GPID18723

回饋紅利點數: 1

簡介:美國南北戰爭期間邦聯最出色的將軍 羅伯特·愛德華·李 的故事
系列分類:Who Was 系列
出版社:Grosser & Dunlap
尺寸:13.6 * 19.5 公分 (cm)
規格:平裝 (paperback)
頁數:112頁 (pages)

Robert E. Lee seemed destined for greatness. His father was a Revolutionary War hero and at West Point he graduated second in his class! In 1861, when the Southern states seceded from the Union, Lee was offered the opportunity to command the Union forces. However, even though he was against the war, his loyalty to his home state of Virginia wouldn’t let him fight for the North. Despite the South’s ultimate defeat, General Robert E. Lee remains one of the United States’ true military heroes.