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Animals Born Alive And Well

  • NT$ 315NT$ 236

Animals Born Alive And Well


未稅: NT$ 236

庫存狀態: 11

ISBN: 9780698117778

型號: GPID14257

回饋紅利點數: 2

系列分類:World Of Nature Series系列
尺寸:23.5 * 22 公分(cm)

From the largest whale to the smallest shrew, Animals Born Alive and Well offers a wealth of information on mammals, and a source of pleasure for any nature lover with a new eye-catching cover!

Ruth Heller是一位以採用明亮的色彩和幾何設計呈現動物,植物及色彩方塊著名的兒童作家和藝術家。

 Heller於1981年開始創作兒童讀物,歷經6年的奮鬥,她出版了她的第一本書,也是國內許多媽媽孰悉的廖彩杏老師推薦書籍--《Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones》。Ruth Heller的書大部分以押韻的句子寫成,跟Dr. Seuss的搞笑無厘頭的韻文截然不同,反而更像是一首首優雅的詩句。


◎ World of Nature series (大自然系列)
● Chickens Aren't the Only Ones (A Book About Animals who Lay Eggs).
● Animals Born Alive And Well (A Book About Mammals and Their Young)
● The Reason For A Flower (A Book About Flowers, Pollen, and Seeds)
● Plants That Never Ever Bloom