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Daisy: Yuk!

  • NT$ 384NT$ 288

Daisy: Yuk!


未稅: NT$ 288

庫存狀態: 2

ISBN: 9781782956471

型號: GPID22069

回饋紅利點數: 2

系列分類:Daisy Picture Books
出版社:Red Fox Picture Books
尺寸:26 x 0.5 x 26公分(cm)

Here comes trouble! 

A super-dooper picture book featuring the one and only Daisy!

Auntie Sue is getting married and she's asked Daisy to be her bridesmaid. But Daisy doesn't do dresses and she certainly doesn't do lovely. Daisy wants to wear a football kit, or scuba gear, or her leopard skin suit, but Mum and Auntie Sue drag her off to the dress shop. Daisy thinks everything is 'Yuk!' until she finally manages to strike a deal and design her own dress . . .