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The High-Rise Private Eyes#1 : The Case Of The Missing Monkey

  • NT$ 175NT$ 131

The High-Rise Private Eyes#1 : The Case Of The Missing Monkey


未稅: NT$ 131

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9780064443067

型號: GPID5209

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:An I Can Read Book Level 2
出版社:Harper Trophy
尺寸:15.5 * 22.8 公分(cm)

Deep in the heart of the city... Mac's favorite glass monkey is missing. Who would take a glass monkey? And why? This sounds like a case for the High-Rise Private Eyes--Case #001, to be exact, The Case of the Missing Monkey Because no mystery is too mysterious, no puzzle to puzzling, no crime too criminal, no trouble too troubling for ace detectives and very best friends Bunny Brown and Jack Jones.