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Shark Swimathon

  • NT$ 245NT$ 183

Shark Swimathon


未稅: NT$ 183

庫存狀態: 6

ISBN: 9780064467353

型號: GPID22474

回饋紅利點數: 1

簡介:兒童數學概念,可學到常用數學字彙與Subtracting 2-digit Numbers的概念。
系列分類:MathStart Level 3
出版社:Harper Trophy
尺寸:25.4 x 21.0 x 0.6公分(cm)

The Ocean City Sharks swim team—Gill, Fin, Stripes, Tiny, and the hammerhead twins, Flip and Flap—really want to go the state swim meet, but they're short on funds. If they can swim 75 laps over the next four days, the local newspaper will sponsor them. The first day they swim a total of 14 laps (75 - 14 = 61). The next day they do a little better with 17 laps (61-17 = 44) But will they make their goal? 

Learning to subtract 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping prepares children for subtracting larger numbers. 



  • Read the story together and ask your child (or students) to describe what is going on in each picture. Discuss what Coach Blue writes on the sign at the end of each practice. Ask "How many laps did the whole team swim?" and "How many more laps does the team have to swim?"
  • At the start of a car trip, have your child write down the miles on the odometer. Then periodically calculate the number of miles traveled during the trip.
  • Card Game: Provide 8 dimes for each player, 50 pennies for the "bank," and create a set of cards numbered 1 through 15. Each player starts with 8 dimes. Mix up the cards and place them face down in a pile. Taking turns, players draw a card and give the amount shown to the bank. If a player does not have exact change, he or she must exchange one of their dimes for 10 pennies. The first player to get rid of all his or her money wins.