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Time For Kids: Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • NT$ 140NT$ 105

Time For Kids: Franklin D. Roosevelt


未稅: NT$ 105

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9780060576158

型號: GPID19693

回饋紅利點數: 1

簡介:A Leader in Troubled Times 第32任美國總統,唯一連任超過兩屆的美國總統
系列分類:Time For Kids Biographies
出版社:Harper Collins
尺寸:15.3 * 23 公分(cm)

Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Leader in Troubled Times

Through his fireside chats, Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the way the President interacted with his fellow Americans. He also led our country out of the Great Depression and through World War II, despite his physical disabilities. Readers will be amazed by his courage and his insight in developing Social Security and other innovative programs that still exist today.