Katie In London
- NT$ 384NT$ 288
未稅: NT$ 288
庫存狀態: 4
ISBN: 9781408331934
型號: GPID17943
回饋紅利點數: 2
奶奶帶著Katie和弟弟Jack一起來到了倫敦,因為舟車勞頓,奶奶不小心就在特拉法加廣場(Trafalgar Square)的長椅上休息到睡著了。Katie和Jack無所事事只好在旁邊攀爬石階,卻一不小心喚醒了坐鎮特拉法加廣場的石獅?!
Katie、Jack騎乘石獅跑遍倫敦各個知名地標- 白金漢宮、倫敦塔、大笨鐘、倫敦眼,見識大紅雙層巴士、英國皇家衛兵交接儀式,玩的不亦樂乎!
Come on a magical tour with Katie and discover London's most famous sights!
When Katie and her brother Jack visit London with Grandma, something very unexpected happens . . . One of the Trafalgar Square lions comes to life and takes them on a wonderful tour of all the best sights! Including Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Big Ben and the London Eye.
Featuring many of London's key landmarks, this storybook has become a bestselling introduction to London, and is perfect for children visiting the city for the first time.