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Hey, Al

  • NT$ 315NT$ 236

Hey, Al


未稅: NT$ 236

庫存狀態: 2

ISBN: 9780374429850

型號: GPID4037

回饋紅利點數: 2

出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux
尺寸:23 * 25.5 公分(cm)
教育主題:知足 (contentment)

Al, a janitor, and his faithful dog, Eddie, live in a single room on the West Side. They eat together, they work together, they do everything together. So what's the problem?

Thier room is crowded and cramped; their life is an endless struggle. Al and Eddie are practically at eachothers throats when a large and mysterious bird offers them a new life in paradise. After some debate, they decide to accept.

Transported to a gorgeous island in the sky, Al and Eddie are soon living a life of ease and luxury. But they come to find that the grass can be a little too green on the other side. After a dramatic, nearly tragic escape from their paradise prison, both man and dog agree: there really is no place like home.