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Who Would Win?: Underwater Pack (3書)

  • NT$ 341NT$ 255

Who Would Win?: Underwater Pack (3書)


未稅: NT$ 255

庫存狀態: 4

ISBN: 9780545542197 005455421974

型號: GPID18552

回饋紅利點數: 2

系列分類:Who Would Win?
尺寸:22 * 15 公分(cm)

深海裡最兇猛的對決,想知道Killer Whale 殺人鯨對決Great White Shark 大白鯊,到底誰會獲勝嗎?
而Whale 鯨魚對決Giant Squid 巨烏賊,又是誰會贏呢?
Hammerhead 鎚頭鯊對決Bull Shark 公牛鯊,誰會是最後的王者呢?

Hammerhead vs. Bull Shark Hammerheads have oddly shaped heads and can see above, below, and all around, but as far as sharks go, they have small mouths. Bull sharks are aggressive and unpredictable, with wide mouths and large teeth. If a hammerhead met a bull shark and they had a fight, which shark would be the last one swimming? Killer Whale vs. Great White Shark The killer whale has a huge jaw with about 50 teeth—each almost four inches long! But if the killer whale loses a tooth, it will never grow back. The great white shark, on the other hand, has several rows of razor-sharp teeth, and it can lose more than 3,000 teeth in its lifetime, growing them back again and again. But teeth aren't everything…as readers will soon realize. Whale vs. Giant Squid A sperm whale has the biggest brain of any animal on Earth, while a giant squid's brain is the size of a donut. A whale can dive a quarter mile deep, but no one even knows just how deep a squid can swim. Squids and whales are natural enemies, and this book concludes with an invitation to imagine the ending of an epic deep-sea battle between them!



  • Hammerhead vs. Bull Shark
  • Killer Whale vs. Great White Shark
  • Whale vs. Giant Squid