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Hurricane Katrina

  • NT$ 140NT$ 105

Hurricane Katrina


未稅: NT$ 105

庫存狀態: 6

ISBN: 9780545829540

型號: GPID18799

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Scholastic Discover More Reader Level 2
出版社:Scholastic Reference
尺寸:14.7 * 22.9 公分(cm)
頁數:32 頁(pages)

颶風卡崔娜(英語:Hurricane Katrina)是2005年8月出現的一個五級颶風,在美國路易斯安那州紐奧良造成了嚴重破壞。此書從颶風生成、發展到災害與救援,一路帶著讀者了解颶風卡崔娜的相關影響。



A chronological narrative of one of the most destructive storms in US history.

Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst hurricanes the United States has ever experienced. At the Tenth Anniversary of this tragic event this child-friendly account investigates the science behind the storm. A time line of events describes the lead-up to the hurricane, the subsequent floods and subsiding waters, and the rescue operations. Heroes and survivors tell their own tales of the cleanup and rebuilding efforts, and discuss their hopes for the future.