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How A City Works

  • NT$ 245NT$ 249

How A City Works


未稅: NT$ 249

庫存狀態: 13

ISBN: 9780062470300

型號: GPID23084

回饋紅利點數: 1

簡介:Let's Read and Find Out Science 生物科學系列,適合5到9歲小朋友閱讀
系列分類:LRAFOS - Stage 2 (單書)
尺寸:25.9*20.8 公分(cm)


Millions of people live in cities around the world, but have you ever wondered how cities work? All those people need clean water to drink, a safe place to live, and a way to get all around the city! How do you take care of all those people’s needs? Your city has a plan for that.

Read and find out all about the systems a city has to help keep everyone safe, healthy, and happy.

This book on city systems will appeal to the young civil engineer. How A City Works is filled with fun, accurate art, and includes tons of information. For example, it answers the question: Where does all the electricity needed to make a city run come from? How A City Works covers water treatment, power, sewage, recycling, and transportation.

How a City Works comes packed with visual aids like charts, sidebars, an infographic, and a funny, hands-on activity—how to clean up dirty “sewage” water, using puffed rice cereal, raisins, hot chocolate mix, and coffee filters.

This is a Level 2 Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science title, which means the book explores more challenging concepts for children in the primary grades and supports the Common Core Learning Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) standards. Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.