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Volcanoes: Run For Your Life!

  • NT$ 140NT$ 105

Volcanoes: Run For Your Life!


未稅: NT$ 105

庫存狀態: 4

ISBN: 9780545533782

型號: GPID18803

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Scholastic Discover More Reader Level 3
出版社:Scholastic Reference
尺寸:15 * 22.4 公分(cm)
頁數:32 頁(pages)

火山噴發是非常致命的一項天然災害,伴隨著強大的活動還可能引起海嘯。為了確保人類不受鄰近活火山突然噴發所傷害,歷年來學者們觀察、研究火山的活動狀態,想了解火山是如何運作的嗎?火山噴發後又會怎麼影響地球和人類呢? 快來一探究竟!


A brand new reader program from Scholastic Discover More.

The ability to read, understand, and interpret informational text will strongly predict success at school, college, and beyond. Scholastic Discover More Level 3 Readers prepare kids for their amazing journey into the world of information in print and on current and future digital platforms. Great subjects and amazing photos are delivered via provocative texts containing different points of view. Complex text hierarchies and infographics give kids the skills to tackle any real world information piece. 'Think about it' critical prompts encourages them to consider and challenge while technical vocabulary is expanded on spreads and in glossaries. A free, downloadable digital book features fun text-based questions and activities, and audio and video enhancements. Vetted by an editorial board including Common Core Standards experts.