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National Geographic Readers: Great Migrations Butterflies

  • NT$ 175NT$ 138

National Geographic Readers: Great Migrations Butterflies


未稅: NT$ 138

庫存狀態: 2

ISBN: 9781426307393

型號: GPID19201

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:National Geographic Kids Level 3 (國家地理系列)
出版社:National Geographic
尺寸:22.8 * 15.2公分 (cm)
頁數 : 48頁(Pages)

The monarch butterfly, one of the most seemingly delicate of all of nature’s animals, proves to be one of the toughest in this reader. Making the yearly trip from the Northern United States and Canada to the Oyamel forest of Mexico is no easy task, and it takes five generations of butterflies in order to do so. Battling cold temperatures and the threat of starvation, these beautiful insects complete an almost 3,000 mile journey over the course of two months, only to have to turn and around and head back home.