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Why? Food & Nutrition (w/CD)

  • NT$ 720NT$ 540

Why? Food & Nutrition (w/CD)


未稅: NT$ 540

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9781259009198

型號: GPID24102

回饋紅利點數: 5

系列分類:Education Science Comic
出版社:McGraw Hill
尺寸:25.7 x 19.3 公分(cm)

The Why? series is an educational comic science series for elementary students. It covers 10 different science themes: The Universe, The Human Body, Animals, Dinosaurs, The Environment, The Earth, Plants, Sports Science, Food & Nutrition, Everyday Science. The presentation of science themes through comics engages the students and motivates them to explore and discover the world around them. The lively illustrations and graphic images catch their attention and support them in expanding their knowledge. Why? opens the door to the fascinating world of science in a lively and captivating way.