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The Giraffe And The Pelly And Me

  • NT$ 280NT$ 210

The Giraffe And The Pelly And Me


未稅: NT$ 210

庫存狀態: 3

ISBN: 9780142413845

型號: GPID18774

回饋紅利點數: 2

系列分類:Roald Dahl
尺寸:13 * 20 公分(cm)
適讀年齡:8 歲以上 ( Age 8 Up)

Who needs a ladder when you’ve got a giraffe with an extended neck? 

The Ladderless Window-Cleaning Company certainly doesn't. They don’t need a pail, either, because they have a pelican with a bucket-sized beak. With a monkey to do the washing and Billy as their manager, this business is destined for success. Now they have their big break—a chance to clean all 677 windows of the Hampshire House, owned by the richest man in all of England! That’s exciting enough, but along the way there are surprises and adventures beyond their wildest window-washing dreams.