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Shadow Of The Wolf

  • NT$ 175NT$ 131

Shadow Of The Wolf


未稅: NT$ 131

庫存狀態: 4

ISBN: 9780679881087

型號: GPID23615

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Stepping Stones History
出版社:Random House
尺寸:13 * 19.5 公分(cm)

Libby Mitchell can’t believe her luck! In 1841, her pioneer family decides to move north—near her best friend, Fawn, who lives with the Ottawa tribe. But the girls’ happiness at reuniting is short-lived. Greedy men want to cheat Fawn’s people out of their land and put all of the forest in danger. Now Libby and Fawn must think of a way to stop them—before the woods that they call home are lost forever.
History Stepping Stones now feature updated content that emphasizes Common Core and today’s renewed interest in nonfiction. Perfect for home, school, and library bookshelves!