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(限量特賣) The Famous Five - Five On A Secret Trail

  • NT$ 385NT$ 288

(限量特賣) The Famous Five - Five On A Secret Trail


未稅: NT$ 288

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9781444936452

型號: GPID23586

回饋紅利點數: 2

系列分類:The Famous Five
出版社:Hodder Childrens Books Hachette UK
尺寸:19.3 * 13 公分 (cm)
規格:平裝 (paperback)

“ Oh Anne, you're right ! Someone was looking in at the window ! And if we saw him, he must have seen us ! “

Anne and George are camping out and eagerly awaiting the boys’arrival.

But one night, Anne sees a mysterious face at the window of the ruined cottage close by- and then the others see ghostly lights … 

Anne wants to go home but the others are determined to stay. Who is snooping around the cottage - and why is a nearby gang trying to make the Five leave?