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Where’s Gilbert?

  • NT$ 329NT$ 246

Where’s Gilbert?


未稅: NT$ 246

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9781783443048

型號: GPID19654

回饋紅利點數: 2

出版社:Andersen Press
尺寸:14.6 * 22公分(cm)

Rosie the Not-so-Little Princess has always loved Gilbert, her royal teddy bear. But she feels she's a bit too old for him now and decides to stop playing with him. But then Gilbert goes missing and has a very strange adventure indeed. Will Rosie ever get her teddy back?
These young fiction colour readers take Tony Ross's beloved Little Princess to a whole new audience.
The text appears in short blocks around full-colour illustrations, and is divided into short chapters, making it perfect for new readers.