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Daisy And The Trouble With Zoos

  • NT$ 329NT$ 246

Daisy And The Trouble With Zoos


未稅: NT$ 246

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9781862304932

型號: GPID20654

回饋紅利點數: 2

系列分類:Daisy Fiction
出版社:Red Fox
尺寸:14 x 19 公分(cm)

It's Daisy's birthday and she's having a special birthday treat! Mum has invited her best friends, Gabby and Dylan, on a trip to the zoo - and, best of all, Mum has arranged for Daisy to go into the actual penguin cage with the actual zoo keeper and FEED actual penguins! REAL ACTUAL PENGUINS! With actual beaks and everything!! Trouble is, Daisy doesn't just feed the penguins, she 'adopts' one to take home and everything . . .