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The Bailey School Kids #5: Ghosts Don’t Eat Potato Chips

  • NT$ 175NT$ 131

The Bailey School Kids #5: Ghosts Don’t Eat Potato Chips


未稅: NT$ 131

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9780590458542

型號: GPID23314

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:The Adventures Of The Bailey School Kids
尺寸:13.5 * 19.5 公分(cm)

Eddie's Great-aunt Mathilda is sick and he has to help take care of her. But when Eddie and his friends visit Mathilda's house, strange things start to happen. Howie sees someone staring at him from the attic window and, when his back is turned, his garlic potato chips are used to spell the word ATTIC on the ground. During later visits the kids hear noises from the attic, but Great-aunt Mathilda swears there's nothing up there. Could the ghost of Eddie's Great-uncle Jasper, who died years ago, be haunting his aunt's home? The Bailey School kids will find out!