Turn & Learn: Short And Long Vowels Gr-1
- NT$ 420NT$ 315
未稅: NT$ 315
庫存狀態: 3
ISBN: 9781606899632
型號: GPID12490
回饋紅利點數: 3
《示範內頁 》
The Turn & Learn series is designed to provide a fun, interactive way for students to practice early literacy and math skills.
Each book includes a collection of 12 full-color skill cards.
These cards are perfect for hands-on review and independent work at a learning center.
A range of skill levels is included, making it a snap to differentiate instruction for students’ diverse needs.
The standards-based skill cards are double-sided to allow students to self-check their work.
Students solve the problems on the skill card and write their answers in the windows. Then, with a turn of the card, students compare their answers to those on the answer key.
Each book includes extra features designed to assist teachers in using the books effectively. These features provide helpful tips for organizing, storing, and using the cards as well as a student answer sheet reproducible.
The 12 titles in the series focus on the following language and math concepts: