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Terry's Tricycle

  • NT$ 100NT$ 75

Terry's Tricycle


未稅: NT$ 75

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 1840891327 9781840891324

型號: GPID1408

系列分類:First Book About Senses
出版社:Zero to Ten Limited
尺寸:20.3 * 20.4 公分 (cm)
規格:平裝 (paperback)
頁數:17頁 (pages)

Bill learns that the best place to ride his tricycle is on the smooth, hard path. When he rides on the carpet or on the grass, or especially with Terry the Terror on the back, he has to push the pedals much harder.
This series of first learning books provides young children with the perfect introduction to basic scientific concepts. Each concept is brought to life with the lively stories and coloruful illustrations of Bob Graham.