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Where Is The Empire State Building?

  • NT$ 210NT$ 221

Where Is The Empire State Building?


未稅: NT$ 221

庫存狀態: 5

ISBN: 9780448484266

型號: GPID18490

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Where Is 系列
出版社:Grosser & Dunlap
尺寸:13.6 * 19.5 公分 (cm)
規格:平裝 (paperback)
頁數:112頁 (pages)
適讀年齡:8 - 12歲

New York City boasts one of the most famous skylines in the world, and the Empire State Building is undeniably the focal point of this incredible view. At 102 stories, the structure was no small feat. In fact, its construction coincided with the onset of the Great Depression, and so progress was met with numerous setbacks. Still, because of the efficiency that went into the building's development, it only took a year and forty-five days to complete! In this informative, easy-to-read account, Janet B. Pascal describes the rise of skyscrapers in the United States, the intricacies of the groundbreaking construction process, and the effect the iconic Empire State Building continues to have today.