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Charlie And Lola - I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato (For School)

  • NT$ 263NT$ 197

Charlie And Lola - I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato (For School)


未稅: NT$ 197

庫存狀態: 5

ISBN: 9780439305471

型號: GPID18855

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Charlie And Lola
尺寸:23 * 24.5 公分 (cm)

Lola is a fussy eater. A very fussy eater. She won’t eat her carrots (until her brother Charlie reveals that they’re orange twiglets from Jupiter). She won’t eat her mashed potatoes (until Charlie explains that they’re cloud fluff from the pointiest peak of Mount Fuji). There are many things Lola won’t eat, including - and especially - tomatoes. Or will she? Two endearing siblings star in a witty story about the triumph of imagination over proclivity.