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The Little Christmas Elf

  • NT$ 175NT$ 131

The Little Christmas Elf


未稅: NT$ 131

庫存狀態: 3

ISBN: 9780375873485

型號: GPID19372

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Little Golden Book
出版社:Golden Books
尺寸:20.3 * 17 公分(cm)

Nina, the littlest elf in Santa's workshop, doesn't finish the teddy bear she's making in time for it to get loaded onto Santa's sleigh-but, encouraged by Santa Claus himself to not give up, she works far into the night to finish it. While Santa is out delivering presents, a baby is born. Santa comes back for Nina's now-finished bear—and guess who he takes along to deliver it?