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Watch Out! Big Bro’s Coming!

  • NT$ 245NT$ 183

Watch Out! Big Bro’s Coming!


未稅: NT$ 183

庫存狀態: 3

ISBN: 9780763605841

型號: GPID20248

回饋紅利點數: 1

尺寸:21.5 * 26公分(cm)

"Who's coming?"
"Big Bro."
"How big?"

Big Bro來了,但他到底是誰呢?到底有多大呢?聽說他又巨大、又可怕、脾氣也很壞,森林裡的動物們都緊張兮兮的.....

大家輪流地吹噓Big Bro到底有多大。
老鼠跑去告訴青蛙,說Big Bro像他手臂張開這麼大!
青蛙跑去告訴鸚鵡,說Big Bro像他手臂張開這麼大!
鸚鵡跑去告訴黑猩猩,說Big Bro像他翅膀張開這麼大!
黑猩猩跑去告訴大象,說Big Bro像他手臂張開這麼大!
Big Bro來了,Big Bro來了..........大家都好害怕,又很好奇他到底是誰呢?

QUICK EVERYBODY HIDE Big Bro's coming He's rough, he's tough, and he's REALLY, REALLY BIG... Well, he's pretty big. Okay, he's a mouse, but if you were a mouse too, well, then, he'd be BIG all right Jez Alborough, creator of the bestselling WHERE'S MY TEDDY? and IT'S THE BEAR , sets his newest slapstick sidesplitter in the jungle, fills it with colorful animals of every size, and givs it a surprise ending certain to send very small readers--and REALLY BIG readers, too--into fits of giggles.