Miss Bindergarten And The Very Wet Day
- NT$ 175NT$ 131
未稅: NT$ 131
庫存狀態: 39
ISBN: 9780448487007
型號: GPID21751
回饋紅利點數: 1
Today is a very wet day. Miss Bindergarten's class stays inside while the rain falls hard outside. Finally, the rain stops and the class goes outside to play. It's not long before Matty and Patty slip and fall in a puddle! Miss B. and Coco are there to help, and when the girls get up, a huge rainbow has formed in the sky!
今天是非常潮濕的一天。Miss Bindergarten 班級的學生都待在室內,因為外面下著大雨。終於,雨停了,全班出去玩了。不久之後,Matty and Patty 在水坑滑倒了! Miss B和 Coco在那裡幫忙,當女孩們起身時,天空中已經形成了一道巨大的彩虹!