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Where Is The Serengeti?

  • NT$ 210NT$ 157

Where Is The Serengeti?


未稅: NT$ 157

庫存狀態: 2

ISBN: 9781524792565

型號: GPID23145

回饋紅利點數: 1

系列分類:Where Is 系列
出版社:Penguin Workshop
尺寸:13.6 * 19.5 公分 (cm)
規格:平裝 (paperback)
頁數:112頁 (pages)
適讀年齡:8 - 12歲

If you've never known what a wildebeest is, you'll find out now in this latest Where? Is title about the Serengeti.

Each year, over 1.5 million wildebeest make a harrowing journey (more than one thousand miles!) between Tanzania and Kenya. They are in search of new land to graze. Even if these creatures avoid vicious attacks from lions and crocodiles, they could still fall prey to thirst, hunger, and exhaustion. This book not only follows the exciting Migration, but also tells about the other creatures and peoples that co-exist along these beautiful landscapes of the Serengeti.