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The Tree Lady: The True Story Of How One Tree-Loving Woman Changed A City Forever

  • NT$ 243NT$ 182

The Tree Lady: The True Story Of How One Tree-Loving Woman Changed A City Forever


未稅: NT$ 182

庫存狀態: 27

ISBN: 9780545793506

型號: GPID23526

回饋紅利點數: 1

尺寸:28 * 23 公分 (cm)
規格:平裝 (Paperback)
適讀年齡:7-12歲 (years)

這本書是based on植物學家 Kate Sessions 傳奇人生故事,帶領孩子認識環保、自然環境的重要。

故事講述上世紀40年代的美國,Kate如何幫助聖地牙哥從一個乾燥的沙漠小鎮發展成為一個以華麗的公園和花園聞名的鬱鬱蔥蔥的城市。因為Kate從小到大都是在北加州高聳的松樹和紅杉樹中長大的,但在成為第一個從加州柏克萊大學畢業的女性後,她在遙遠的南方乾燥的沙漠小鎮聖地牙哥找了一份教師工作。那裡幾乎沒有樹木。凱特決定,聖地牙哥需要更多樹木,因此,這位具有開拓精神的年輕女性單槍匹馬地發起了一場大規模的運動,將該鎮轉變為今天的充滿綠意、充滿花園的綠洲。現在,在凱特第一次來到聖地牙哥的100多年後,她的華麗花園和公園在這個城市隨處可見。這本動人的圖畫書,一部分是引人入勝的傳記,一部分是鼓舞人心的故事,關於追尋夢想、發揮才能、在逆境中保持堅強,引起許多讀者的共鳴。(因此Kate被封為The Tree Lady)

Unearth the true story of green-thumbed pioneer and activist Kate Sessions, who helped San Diego grow from a dry desert town into a lush, leafy city known for its gorgeous parks and gardens.

Katherine Olivia Sessions never thought she’d live in a place without trees. After all, Kate grew up among the towering pines and redwoods of Northern California. But after becoming the first woman to graduate from the University of California with a degree in science, she took a job as a teacher far south in the dry desert town of San Diego. Where there were almost no trees.

Kate decided that San Diego needed trees more than anything else. So this trailblazing young woman singlehandedly started a massive movement that transformed the town into the green, garden-filled oasis it is today. Now, more than 100 years after Kate first arrived in San Diego, her gorgeous gardens and parks can be found all over the city.

Part fascinating biography, part inspirational story, this moving picture book about following your dreams, using your talents, and staying strong in the face of adversity is sure to resonate with readers young and old.