(特賣) Buddy Readers Level C (w/ CD)
- NT$ 910NT$ 682
未稅: NT$ 682
庫存狀態: 22
ISBN: 9781338637328
型號: GPID23682
回饋紅利點數: 6
Buddy Reader以孩童為中心設計,方便攜帶、易於閱讀,藉由閱讀短故事,訓練小朋友自我閱讀能力。
Level C系列中共有4個可愛的主角:Princess Pug(小公主八哥犬) Gus Ghost(小幽靈) Clownfish (小丑魚)和Two Boots。
Young learners will love these funny, character-driven, easy-to-read storybooks correlated with guided-reading level C. This unique set includes 5 Princess Pug stories, 5 Gus Ghost stories, 5 Clownfish stories, and 5 Two Boots stories-for a total of 20 tales. As children read, they’ll grow attached to these irresistible characters AND build essential early reading skills. Each story features patterned text and strong picture cues to ensure literacy success. A parent guide, activity book, and motivating stickers are also included. Includes
• 20 full-color, 8-page books
• 24-page workbook
• stickers