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Me And The Measure Of Things

  • NT$ 280NT$ 210

Me And The Measure Of Things


未稅: NT$ 210

庫存狀態: 1

ISBN: 9780440417569

型號: GPID879

回饋紅利點數: 2

出版社:Dragonfly Books
尺寸:23* 23公分(cm)
適讀年齡:5 - 8 歲以上 (Ages 5- 8)

This playful introduction to units of measure helps children size things up--from a teaspoon to a cup, an ounce to a gallon, a pound to a ton, an inch to a mile, and a peck to a bushel.
Bright illustrations and an easy-to-understand text teach the concepts needed to answer the familiar questions in a child's life--how much, how many, how heavy, how tall, and how far--using tools like rulers and scales, cups and baskets. With the help of Me and the Measure of Things, children can see how they use weights and measures every day and in every way!